Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wisconsin Historical Society: 2,500 BC Ancient Canoes Found-Older than Rome!

First of all that is 1,700 years before Ancient Rome was settled! Prehistoric Discovery That is pretty old and often we allow written history in Europe to define our cultures while that is drawn from many people. As a person with a drop of native I will say I'm pretty impressed (Ok my grandmother told me we are part native. She actually looked it.). We are ancient and old in the area and "civilization" is a subjective term for people who are subjective thinkers. 

As a person who sort of was looking with a group in Delta County Michigan for the Queen City I like to follow some of the area archeological findings because you might find them while your diving in similar regions. Lately I have been free diving because of everyone working and people's boats are always broke but sometimes I find interesting stuff (Ok not that interesting. I did find a bottle the other day!😂). Besides my boat is slow so I'm thinking of rigging something else. 

Ok sorry I digress.... 

Hats off to those who found these canoes and the historical societies that are working on preserving these artifacts. I support our understanding of history because it can teach us about our beginnings and separate fact from fiction! Wisconsin Historical Society

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