Sunday, May 12, 2024

When Freedom is More Important than Hate

 There are those who know the difference between right and wrong and there are those who do not. There are those know that the best path forward is to universalize our values and treat everyone based on the quality of character and promote them based on the merit of their performance. For some of us challenging hate has nothing to do with politics, it is about preserving the essential freedoms of this nation. If our generation fails, the next generation will suffer. 

Let me give you a hypothetical example for learning purposes only as it relates to environmental shifts based in the destructive nature of hate chatter against out group members. Pick any race or religion you want because it doesn't matter. In this example it's a Catholic-Muslim-Jew with mixed members of family. Let us say your involved in lots of clubs and activities in various places. For the most part everyone treats you well and no one seems to have much of an issue with anything. However, in one place there are noticeable differences in microaggressions, condescending belittling words and behaviors and mistreatment. Assuming you have been polite to everyone then you can come to a reasonable conclusion it has something to do with environment. You may be even able to trace it back through to a group of people causing those issues; also causing issues for others.

Hate groups are not particularly concerned about our essential values as Americans. Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Bill of Rights and Constitution are just words on a piece of paper. Few expect them to make choices to preserve those freedoms and when they don't no one really cares; the danger of identity politics. None of them would be willing to lose much to protect those values and preserve them for the next generation. Its mostly about self benefit.

However, for some of us those words have meaning and we have a responsibility to stand against hate, hate groups, and corruption to ensure the next generation can continue to live with certain rights and freedoms. It is a sacred oath many have sworn and continue to stand with because they know that the one thing that keeps this nation growing and developing are those shared values. Not all are on the same page with those values. 

Challenging hate isn't about just being stubborn. It has a purpose. While we sometimes enforce the laws when they are caught on tape, enough witnesses come forward, or when the evidence is overwhelming but we are also very slow in doing so. This means we are still confused about what values we should be promoting.

No matter how many rumors are created, micro aggressions, violations of the law, free passing of crimes, rumor spreading, blocking of opportunities, political gamesmanship, etc. etc. etc. preserving those freedoms is essential for our future. Sure you may be thrown out of or blocked from this or that job, you may be mocked here, you might be treated rudely there, someone might violate the law over here, but your more true to your oaths than they will ever be.  That is what makes a patriotic American. Race and religion don't factor into that; at least those who still believe in their oaths- Indivisible with liberty and justice for all.  Being positive and polite and encouraging helpful change is the name of the is what will make all of us winners.  This is not a one sided convo...we all have responsibilities to the next generation with moral conscious.

*This article is a thought experiment in freedom of religion and speech.  Take with a grain of salt.

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