Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Process of Self-Actualization: A Path to Somewhere Just Nobody Sure Exactly Where

Self actualization is a long road and is fostered throughout one's life. As one develops a sense of genuineness to the world they also find more harmony with that world. They also begin to develop their skills as a person and practitioner beyond what can happen without intentionally trying to understand the world and one's place within it. It is the process that defines and molds the outcomes. You can't buy it and if you were given much you are unlikely to obtain it. The person and the environment develop off of each other. It is the choice in roads that define one's character. The Road Not Taken

There are natural benefits to wisdom in giving it back to improve organizations and society. The pathway and blueprint to development is different for each person and that path is an individual stamp. You never really know when you make it to the end but I suspect that end never truly happens. The process will continue on but in new ways. Each being a milestone to greater understanding and greater responsibilities.

Two studies on actualization.

Authenticity and Work Actualization

Authentic Personality Scale

The Logic of Life:

One can learn from the many different types of people they have met throughout their lives if they pay attention and accept the lessons with a level of grace. One can learn from from Christian monks respect for education and the divine, from Sheiks the power of fate and belief, from Rabbis the beginning and the end, from writers the power of words and images, from politicians the necessity of power (good and bad), from hate groups the danger of ignorance and blindness, from the poor the diligence and hope in worst case scenarios, from other peoples cultures the flavor of life and the essentials of existence, from the pacifist forgiveness and patience, from the artist creativity and truth, from corruption the necessity of challenge and change, from the military strength and honor, from the scientists logic and fact, from the dreamers the possibilities and the goals, and from the philosophers a way to tie it all together and untie it again. If you learn all of that does that make one self-actualized? Have you arrived at your destination? Probably not but hey you learned a lot and didn't have anything else to do! 🤷

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” Socrates

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