Monday, May 27, 2024

The Hypothetical Feather Party Would Encourage People to Think About Campaign Finance Reform

Our nation should focus on building the strongest, most technologically advanced, economically sound, adaptable, influential and people oriented society we can. Sometimes that might be furthered by thinking about how we might ensure all decisions are made in the best interest of society. Because from a human nature perspective we all have deep psychological and social needs, we should think about minimizing anything that might negatively influence our decision making or hinder objectivity. As you likely know objectively leads to better decision making in long-term outcomes.

This is not so much an argument about a particular method or approach but to start the process of thinking about whether campaign finance reform would be in the best long-term interest of society. Political campaigning is expensive and in some ways has become from time-to-time increasingly toxic where middle of the road candidates are leaving the political field (These are the leaders the Hypothetical Father Party believes should stay and be highly engaged but have little political support.)

We also want to ensure foreign money doesn't make it into our political process such as it has in some online narratives and conversations (FBI Foreign Malice Elections). So we would want to think objectively, scientifically and strategically about what makes sense for national health. As of yet there is no proposed solution but the Hypothetical Feather Party would like people to ponder the possibilities and whether or not it makes sense to analyze these possibilities. No need to make a final conclusion yet because that really isn't the goal.

There are no perfect methods in which to reform campaign finance so it would require reasonable analysis and study on how that would happen, what the benefits and detractors might be, and the long term impact is on the political engagement and access to that process. The two general approaches are 1.) limiting the amount of contributions and 2.) increasing the disclosures with donations. You may want to read this Congressional review State of Campaign Finance Reform

A Few Questions for Thought?

1.) Would campaign finance be beneficial or a detractor for society?

2.) Is campaign donations a type of political expression and should we limit it at all?

3.) How or to what extent does campaign donations influence political decision making?

4.) Does the next generation want campaign finance, no change or something different?

5.) If you already came to your conclusion, or had one before you read the article, can you think of at least 3 counter arguments of someone who disagrees with you but are still valid? (We are not about giving you a conclusion but about having you come to your own conclusion and thinking critically about it.)

The following is a little spoof but its meant to lighten the mood and be party neutral. It sort of highlights as example how these things can be seen in popular culture. A small disclosure there is some innuendos and stuff so you should be an adult to watch. Rutgers University discussion on Comedy for Dicey Issues.

Interesting Articles on Hypothetical Feather Party:

Thinking about Objective Institutional Reform

Will the Father Party Emerge?

Feather Party National Decision Making

Feather Party Critical Decision Making During Election

*The Hypothetical Feather Party is for learning purposes and is designed as a thought experiment on how a third party aligned to core American principles, logic, science, critical thinking and the next generation can improve national decision making. Please don't attack the Feather Party. We do not exist at this time in history. Its a discussion.

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