Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Hypothetical Feather Party: Thinking About Objective Institutional Reform for the Next Generation

We all know that politics can be toxic and often things don't get done. There are risks when solving problems is difficult, slow, or misaligned. Thus, there may be opportunities to improve our current political structure by encouraging a third party of objective neutral voters. We may further discuss how proceeding generations define the cultures and processes of such systems. Stickiness in political decision making creates risks and may not fully meet the needs of the next generation.  Thus, providing an avenue for the youth to express their hopes for improvement filtered through a lens of science and an objective critical thinking can help tie them to contribute to national develop in a way that is uniquely theirs for their struggles. 

You can read The Biggest Risks-Decision Making

Institutional Alignment:

Institutions should always seek to stick closely to their mandated purposes and create the greatest alignment to social contracts. In order to ensure that happens there are times when reforms are necessary but the political will in an environment of two polar opposite parties may hinder that process. When there are consistent party line votes and oppositional perspectives little gets done and its the average American that suffers.

For example, the youth seem to be interested in improving the justice system to ensure its fair for everyone and doesn't make distinctions based on politics, religion or race or other protected status. In one hypothetical example, perpetrators were able to exploit racial and religious bigotries through corruption to financially reward themselves. Statistically and historically there have been other times when similar issues have arisen but solutions are not clear perpetuating the risks.

The youth may want the Feather Party to commission an objective study to look at all of the current research and incidents to ensure they can come up with a reasonable plan to improve the effectiveness of the system so that it catches bad guys/gals, recruits strong officers, improves cost and further protects basic human/civil rights. Political stagnation leaves the system unable to improve or adapt even though though solutions could create win-win outcomes for both political parties and all parties involved. The example Feather Party seeks to reverse the trend by bringing forward new perspectives based in critical thinking and logic. A Little Critical

Opportunities For Politicians to Vote Objectively:

The process of improvement, providing solutions based in science, and offering opportunities to vote for such improvements is important for the health of the entire nation and its stakeholders. Open communication is too important to be vetted by a few party loyal influencers.  A third perspective that allows politicians of either party to break party vote mandates in conjunction with principles of good management and have some hope in improving total national decision making outcomes. 

Two Articles on Democracy:

Are knowledgeable voters better voters?

What Can Improve Democracy?

Interesting Articles on Hypothetical Feather Party:

Will the Father Party Emerge?

Feather Party National Decision Making

Feather Party Critical Decision Making During Election

*The Hypothetical Feather Party is for learning purposes only and is designed as a thought experiment on how a third party aligned to core American principles, logic, science, critical thinking and the next generation could improve national decision making. This is for generating thought and helping people to sort of think deeper about the issues of the day. One must make their own decisions

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