Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Benefits of Surfing for Vets and Others Suffering from PTSD and Trauma

Occasionally I grab my board or rent one and hit the waves! Ok I'm not actually that good but I'm getting better. Instead of hitting the radical waves I instead hit the smaller ones that won't drown me. But I'm out there and it still counts! Surfing and feeling the water and wind sparks alive all your bodily sensations (The worst being that little cold line that runs down my back from the zipper when I first jump in. I think that is why the suit was on sale!) To explore some of my hobbies I like to look up research on the topic and see what I find. In this case I found stuff on veterans, surfing, and therapy.

Ocean Beach pier
Was damaged in a storm a while back
They are going to rebuild it I guess.
Beyond the calories, cardio, muscle, and enjoyment of being outdoors in the ocean (Also now Great Lakes) there are substantial benefits of surfing for veterans with PTSD, depression, anxiety and trauma. If you can have fun while appreciating nature and getting healthy it is a win-win in my book and your routine should include it because it actively adds to your lifestyle. 

Let me say I have a lot of respect for veterans because they answered the call and made sacrifices others could not/did not. Because of that empathy I earned a rehabilitative type yoga certification, and unrelated fitness trainers license, to help vets suffering from physical injury and PTSD. I didn't use it as planned but I do try and help a little in my writings and scribblings  (I did put up virtual fitness training shingle but haven't put any energy into it. Maybe I should do some stuff for free for vets and actually use those licenses as intended. I'm going to think about it because you have to get wavers and insurance and stuff....)

I will say one thing that is on my no no uncool disrespectful list. Mocking vets with PTSD or taking advantage of them, or judging them for superficial reasons, tweaks my sense of moral conscious. I've seen it and I have seen people brag about it. What they don't fully understand is that these vets have to come up short on their explanations because they cannot fully describe to the somewhat insulated average Joe the complexity and profound horrors the world sometimes contain. The one's who disrespect our vets are often free riders who contribute little but take much of the benefits from society. 

My hometown of Escanaba Delta County MI has a great new veterans center and they respect their heroes. They even now fund veteran activities that they didn't a few years ago. Good news! Escanaba Veteran's Center. San Diego is also a veteran friendly place. Sorry, just making a plug for my two favorite places. It's an opportunity so I took it!

PTSD and Trauma Therapy Through Surfing 

The Navy Medical Center Surf Therapy program has generated some positive results for veterans suffering from PTSD. Reduced depression, reduced anxiety and improved positive affect.  Breaking the surface: Psychological outcomes among U.S. active duty service members following a surf therapy program

Likewise, according to research surfing also improve cardiovascular health, muscle tone and even helped with trauma. Surfing's Unique Benefits

You can still gain access to such benefits at....

San Diego has the Jimmy Miller Foundation providing Surf Therapy for veterans, abused kids, healthcare workers, and special needs. Jimmy Miller Foundation Surf Therapy

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