Sunday, May 26, 2024

Respect our Veterans: The Responsibilities to Maximize Those Opportunities

Veterans have given a lot for our lives and we do not do nearly enough for them. I write this in honor of a man that was good and kind and a real role model. A truly good soul. He was taken advantage of before he passed away because of corruption and a lack of respect for his life. The perpetrators never saw justice and they are free to continue to do what they want and when they want. We have a lot of work to do to protect our veterans and respect the freedoms they have given to us. Wealth, position, power, institutional role, political position, or anything else does not mitigate that responsibility. If anything it increases those responsibilities. You can judge a person and their values by their choices so honoring the past means supporting people with good moral conscious. These vets paid a price for the rest of us and the best way to respect them is to live with integrity, challenge what is immoral, contribute to the building of a great nation, live the fullest life you can with all the skills you can muster. If you can do that you are engaged in your own version of patriotism and honoring them through honoring yourself and the opportunities they provided. You only have one life so live it with purpose. 

For many vets the battles don't end just because they came home. 

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