Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Research on Preserving Public Trust and Those Who Support the Principles of Justice

Justice and integrity in justice is very important because people believe in those systems and rely on them for a sense of safety and order. Supporting the principles of justice is important for social stability, communities, the economy, and for personal development. There are times when ulterior factors come into play and it makes justice a little more difficult. While most systems work fine we do find places where systems do not work as stated and there is room for correction. Sometimes that is opposed by those who have a stake in maintaining the status que or who have ulterior motives. 

Let me give you a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. A group of extremists connected to a few officials were targeting minorities, enriching off of crime/corruption, abusing the poor, manipulating the elderly, and disdain for "out group" members (the specific race can be any) for religious motivations (any religion) and political purposes (any party). While numerous people came forward they were quickly silenced through street justice. Good officers were bullied and afraid of this embedded extremist group and because there were no checks and balances the system became warped. Hate rumors that encourage mistreatment and exclusion continue forward once criminal behavior became apparent and was given a free pass because they were afraid future violence would expose them to a wider justice correction.

In this situation we know that it is immoral and against just about anything any justice system should be believe in. That same metric applies to any country or any place on the planet. Personally, I feel that systems should always strive to be the best they can be and improve when the need for improvement is apparent and fix what they broke in order to ensure strong future support. The better these systems are, the better any other system that touches them is also likely to be. Nothing is in a vacuum. If allowed to persist they are signs and cracks in the wider system.

I'm a big time supporter of justice, 100% good officers, 110% civil rights, good systems, respect for cultural and racial differences, protecting moral authority/integrity, etc... There is always a balance to everything. Some are not so supportive but that is the way life is. I found this article interesting because while it refers to Federal courts it nevertheless highlights some standards that I think are beneficial. Preserving Public Trust, Confidence and Misunderstanding.

You may be interested in research on those who seek to uphold principles of justice empathy and motivation for justice. Empathy and Motivation for Justice

*This is for learning purposes only and is part of a thought experiment on freedom of religion and speech. Take with a grain of salt and feel free to discard. 

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