Saturday, May 11, 2024

Possible and Profitable: Clean Energy & Decarbonization (Detroit Economic Club)

Clean energy is becoming a big thing and consumers are expecting more clean energy from companies. One would expect this trend to continue as investments in the cost of clean energy are starting to find a type of parity with return. While clean energy is the long term goal we should consider diversity in energy until a transition is made. Likewise, once that transition is tipped we should further develop multiple forms of clean energy that range from hydro all the way over to nuclear as options. Diversity ensures that the system continues to run without major problems or disruptions if there is a problem with one source over another. 

A pretty big discussion on energy and how it is created. There is also a discussion on reducing carbon footprints. U.S. Department of Energy

You can also request an S&P report on Top Ten Cleantech Trends 2024 HERE. The report indicates solar and wind are two of the largest, average cost will decline, decarbonization is growing in manufacturing, oversupply, and you can read the rest in the report. There are many ways to look at energy and there are some arguments of why older versions of energy still have value. So it is not a one sided discussion. I like to listen to the different sides of an argument. However, in general we should be reducing waste and getting more clean. Maybe not a popular idea.

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