Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day on Coronado: Its Rich History Starting Before the Spanish

Today was a day of remembrance and a day to enjoy the island of Coronado CA.  Good food, shopping, band, restaurants, beaches, golf courses, and beautiful neighborhoods. A very pretty place that is well managed. I thought of living there once but prices have really risen and/or doubled. Maybe I'll move my boat there someday. Anyway, Coronado has a history and it spans back far into the past. 

In 1542 the Spanish Flag flew on the place, 1846 American influence starts with capture during Mexican-American war, 1887 Hotel Coronado is built, 1900 it had a tent city, and in 1901 Fort Pio Pico is established creating its military significance. 

Let us not forget the Native Americans that lived and visited there for a 1000 years prior with mounds, arrow heads and other. We sometimes neglectful of our earliest roots because of lost archeological artifacts and cultural perspective. You can read about that history in Coronado Historical Society

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