Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Is it Time to Give up on Justice and Embrace Injustice? A Philosophical Approach of Wisdom Generation (Update on Hate 05/14/2024))

In life we challenge injustice because it is a violation of what is right and it steals from people, society and our futures. However, we are in an imperfect word with imperfect people that make imperfect judgements and then imperfectly protect those imperfect mistakes. There is always more to the story of imperfection but one thing that we can count on is that imperfection is part of life and who we are and how we live. Our world is a blend of the beautiful and the ugly but it is the stuff in the middle most of us spend our time focusing on.

So injustice is a learning lesson of what works and what doesn't work. The silver lining is that if you listen closely to the lessons it teaches you, you will gain insight that many others cannot obtain. They cannot gain such insight because they have not gone to the same school as you have. Some were provided with more and had more open doors. Take opportunity away and that is where the real learning starts. Bring it back despite the odds and you are no longer the student of life but the teacher of wisdom gained from it. Gifted Educator

Part of our cultural blueprint is to understand injustice and its place as a wisdom generator. We have incorporated such stories into culture and religious artifacts and that is part of each society-i.e. universal values. This is one example but nearly every religion has various similarities of shared values from similar root philosophies based in human collective existence. Seeking or Bearing Injustice (Not meant to be religious in this article but of symbolic understanding of injustice in culture). 

We are designed to be self-consumed and in many ways it is normal and should be encouraged up to a point. If it gets past that point then it becomes a problem and often creates injustices wherever it is allowed to flourish and roam unimpeded. There is a research study that helps highlight that powerful people are more sensitive to injustice and expect change but don't always see the injustices of others. Entitlement helps you see the injustice to self but empathy and moral conscious help you apply it to help others in a way that makes you a full person worthy of authority. Powerful People Notice Injustice of Self. 

What if you walked in the shoes of those without opportunities for a long time and you can see injustices to self and injustices to others as unfair? You would be on a path to self-actualization because of the greater neural connectivity of complex learning gained over a lifetime of information that creates empathy/perspective. You can see a world they cannot see no matter how much they pretend to see it. In this case they were not able to earn their spot. Island of Axis Mundi. Higher intelligence typically comes with obtaining more information from the environment that leads to complex thought. Self-Actualization in Self and Society 

You would then see injustice as a learning tool....a type of gift unintended by the giver...and there is always a little more to the story. 

"For I was conscious that I knew practically nothing...." Socrates

*This article is a thought experiment on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Take with a grain of salt. 

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