Monday, May 20, 2024

I'm not Cheap I'm Frugal in Ocean Beach! 5 Tacos for $5 and Thrift Store Shopping (Thrift Market Size)

The other day I got bored and biked over to Ocean Beach looking for supper and something to do. Walking down Newport Avenue I was able to pick up two neat deals. I'm a sucker for bargains! The first was 5 street tacos for $5 and the other two a Hawaiian style t-shirt for $3 and a heavy Oneal Flannel jacket for $10. Surfers love these! That is bargain shopping at its best!

My plan wasn't really to buy anything but sometimes when you got a little time on your hands you want to do some window browsing. I have no problem buying from thrift store when I find something interesting. I grew up in the world of hard knocks and I know what it is like to have little, go to school, and take care of a family. 

Besides, some of the stuff I like I obtained from thrift stores. Yes, I mostly buy new like everyone else but sometimes you find unique items that are comfortable, fits you like a glove, and used. As I get older I'm less worried about my looks. The Porsche is long gone. :) Loved that car! No need to look like you have things if those things no longer define you. 

One thing to think about is that thrift stores sift through clothes and typically put the ones out that believe will sell. Good shop owners have a knack for finding the cool stuff. 

Good business ideas can come from anywhere. One persons junk is another's opportunity. Yep I'm still styling!

Thrift Store Market Size:

-Thrift stores, non profit, increased over the past 5 years to $14.2 billion. Thrift Store Increase

-Most thrift stores ae related to closing. Thrift Store Stats

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