Friday, May 17, 2024

How Gossip Shapes Opinions? Research on Gossip and It's Impact (Update on Hate)

Some interesting research came out on gossip and how gossip is used to create social cooperation and punish bad actors. What is interesting about this model is that it uses a mathematical approach for social neuroscience. The gossip game theory works in creating social adherence and social rules except when it is found that the gossip was false and it reflects negatively on those who started and engaged in it. The sharing of information can be beneficial for society but when it is intentionally false it can create deep divisions. It is incumbent on people to be honest, have moral conscious, and use critical thinking when they hear juicy rumors about others. The Golden Rule!

Any Example of Gossip Misuse:

This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. An inner core group of individuals felt they could exploit racial and religious differences in order to enrich off of hate. The members of their clan, some willingly and some unwillingly, engaged in a smear campaign and used violence to target the minority family of Catholic-Muslim-Jews with mixed race children (any race or religion). The hate chatter went on for years and was used by some corrupted extremist leaning officials to block opportunities, promote violence/intimidation, restrict free movement, create false accusations, violate rights (freedom of religion and speech), and try and remove targets from public service. 

The targets knew there was corruption going on and stood firm on their American values. Even though their rights were completely violated they still had empathy over the other victims and future victims of this well worn method/tool. The counter strategy was positive, polite, engaging, and helpful.  People who came forward with similar complaints of corruption were quickly retaliated against and put on a secretive hit lists for further targeting by these officials. 

Then.....then it was discovered the hate group was lying! They made it all up because they hated minorities (of any race or religion), locked down some of the institutions, and could profit socially and financially off of the hate narratives. Classy!

The Study: 

You will want to read this study on the benefits and detractors of gossip. One conclusion I have drawn from this is that people with character don't share and repeat information unless they are sure it is helpful or true. Likewise, people who stand for their oaths, "...liberty and justice for all" don't always believe in those values. To them it is a ruse to make themselves look good through social adherence and perception. People who stand by their values through thick and thin, no matter the overwhelming dangers, are of a different breed. On Issues of Morality and Law

The study,

Gossip Social Cooperation and Bad Actors

A Few Questions:

When engaging in these thought experiments such a coordinated attempt at suppression, corruption and hate would naturally open up some interesting questions. There are others. Unfortunately this study only answers a small sliver of the wider theoretical problem. 

1. What checks n balances are in place to verify facts?

2. What are the consequences for spreading false information?

3. Should institutions allow corruption to persist if they fit an ethnocentric or political agenda?

4. Do victims of hate groups have rights?

5. What environmental factors contribute to coordinated hate aggression?

6. After years why does the hate chatter and microaggressions of people connected to this group persist despite debunking of the false information?

7. What happens if we don't fix and could this be a foreshadowing of a future to come?

8. How might this relate to historical issues such as Tulsa massacre or making lynching illegal in the past few years? Why is hate a political issue when it is part of our social contracts?

The answer to many of these questions is actually positive. Examples such as this help remind us of the importance of standing by certain central values as codified in our laws and further ensure we take the time to think about the information before we act on it. Where bad actors abound there are opportunities for change and that is the good news. If you lean the lessons of life then everything is an opportunity!

*This is a thought experiment for illustrative learning purposes only. It explores the concept of freedom of religion and speech. Take with a grain of salt. 

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