Thursday, May 16, 2024

How are CEOs Feeling About 2024 and How GenAI is Part of that Strategy? (Deloitte's Winter 2024 CEO Survey)

CEOs are feeling optimistic about the future, worried about geopolitical issues, and are using new technology to improve their business prospects. The survey is noticeably positive and that can be a good thing for future economic development and organizational growth. Optimistic CEOs do more stuff than pessimistic ones. You can read more about the survey and its results in Winter 2024 Fortune/Deloitte CEO Survey Insights

Being a CEO requires all types of skills that range from systems thinking all the way over to people skills. Strategic planning and making sense of data in an ever changing environment is part of that process. As one moves up the organizational ranks they also must get better at seeing the forest over the trees but still be able to understand what each of the leaves look like (metaphor)

Surveys such as this helps determine CEO sentiment and that can have an impact on the economy when choices are made. (Let me also add I have been thinking about creating a CEO survey for a long time but have been working on economic clusters because our the economy needs innovation to stay healthy. It wouldn't be hard but it does take lots of time consuming work to reach CEO's and not get caught in the gatekeeper's net.)

Highlights of the CEO Survey:

-80% are optimistic about their companies performance. 

-84% are involved in the development of a succession plan.

-65% are concerned about geopolitical issues. 

-76% believe the Federal Reserve will reduce interest rates by Q3

-45% Prioritizing measures to optimize costs to create organizational growth. Using GenAI and technology.

-57% Said they are going to embed technologies to find opportunities. 

-56% Said they have already leveraged GenAI to increase efficiencies.

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