Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Higher Education and the Path to Self Actualization (Anything but the Herd!)

Self-actualization is a pathway in and of itself and in many ways its own reward. Life is a struggle but some struggle with a purpose and eventually they reach a plateau where things make more sense. While that can happen organically through the random nature of events, higher education allows for more focus in that process. One must not only have the knowledge but also the ability to overcome challenges through self-growth and determinization. Most importantly one must be self reflective and capable of learning.

Read this study on Individual Self-Actualization to gain an understanding of what self actualization looks like. 

Ponder how being self-actualized might come from not only being diligent in your studies but also overcoming and learning from adversity. One must be able to recognize the beauty of life as well as the deep ugly. For example, they may have experienced coordinated group bigotries but then learned about human nature from those experience and still seek to foster a better world despite the abundance of ignorance. 

Each person on the path to self-actualization has their own struggles. Sometimes its poverty, sometimes its abusive backgrounds, and sometimes its the world itself. Self-actualization is difficult if one who has a perfect life, follows what others tell them blindly, and comes to the same socially constructed answers to complex problems they cannot grasp. To be different means to think differently and that will make some people upset because you can't accept the most self-interested answer.

To be autonomous means one must learn the limitations of such thinking and in some ways find the comical side of inner human desperation that leads people down blind paths. The world needs more self actualized people and our nation (or any society) needs more self-actualized leaders to ensure the compass points true north. If the best and brightest do not rise in their organizations and society the whole will be less competitive; or even worse!

What is Self-Actualization?

Maslow and Rodgers, two famous researchers on the topic of self-actualization, indicate that people who are self-actualized exhibit autonomous choices and engage more fully in activities based on internal motivations and capacities.  They are not herd animals and are capable of independent thought and action. That encourages them to be natural leaders who are not as influenced by ulterior motivations or limited perceptions. Mature adults among needy children.

 Common traits are....

Efficient Perception of Reality: They understand fakeness.

Accepting of self and others: They are aware of differences in society and people. 

Problem Centered: They recognize problems and help solve them for self and others. 

Ability to be Alone: They can spend time alone. 

Independence. They are independent and think for themselves. 

Appreciation: They appreciate others and they appreciate life. 

Peak Experiences: They have cosmic connected conscious and as well as focused narrow conscious. 

Openness to Humanity: Feeling one with humanity and accepting its nature. 

Deep Interpersonal Relationships: Can connect with people beyond superficiality. 

Democratic: They take into consideration the needs of others.

Means and Ends: They know the difference between right and wrong.

Philosophical Sense of Humor: They understand and take pleasure in humor and use it for teaching. 

Creativeness: They create things. 

Resistance to Enculturation: They live by their own rules and not defined by the rules of others.

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