Monday, May 20, 2024

High Talent Neurodivergence-The Gifted Curse! (Environment and Opportunity)

As a nation seeking to advance we need all the new ideas we can get without snuffing them out because they don't fit someone's agenda or put resources in the hands of those who can't adequately maximize its good to society. Gifted people have been seen as exceptional super human performers but that is far from the truth. They are strong in some areas, and weak in others, yet hold untapped potential that can be maximized for growth. Despite the historical perception as statistical outliers they are regular people who did not ask for these gifts and rarely have all the answers.

Business Insider
Einstein was a funny guy!
"Judge a Man by his questions rather than his answers"-Voltaire

Another example of having more questions than answers might be, 

Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers.”- Socrates

If you read enough history you might find a pattern forming

"Don't listen to the person who has the answers; listen to the person who has the questions.- Einstein

Many have the capacity for natural leadership and others can invent new things, develop works of art, out perform others in sports. A few can even advance based on wiring in multiple intelligence domains. That might make them exceptional underdeveloped talent that comes with all types of environmental problems when dealing with others. 

Two journal articles on Multiple Intelligences you may find interesting.

1. Multiple Intelligence Neuro Basis 

2. Howard Gardner Theory

Whether they are day dreaming or investigating important but unrewarded topics in science they are contributors. All to often because they are in the wrong environments so they are either drowned out by less skilled but more aggressive members or not offered opportunities to explore their talents. Skill is lost on underperformance in menial unrewarding jobs (i.e. dishwashing seemed sort of an interesting solution to a lack of environmental integrity.)

Their capital is wasted and smashed against the rocks of poor education, dogma, and herd ignorance. It is their uniqueness in physical, moral, and intellectual capacity that can turn neurodivergence into productive masters of fate. This means they can change and build a better environment if they have traveled down that long unforgiving path of awareness. Understanding the risks of common shortsighted thinking can go a long way in human capital development.

 (Shhhh ðŸ¤« don't tell anyone there is room for improvement they could get really upset! Especially if they don't benefit at the expense of society. ).

Gifted people have different brains and they can process a lot of information at once. They do run some risks of burnout based on perfectionism, lack of time, or excessive demands. However, teaching them insight/wisdom on what they can and can't control goes a long way. Tapping deeper and making a clear distinction between their skill and their environment's ability to understand those skills is helpful. Gifted Neurodivergence

Consider this interesting podcast on the blessing and curse of exceptional talent.

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