Friday, May 31, 2024

Have Americans Not Been Satisfied in 20 Years?

This poll is interesting and provides insight into areas of improvement. Most of the problems we have experienced here others have experienced as well so they are not all unique to only one place but the survey subject pool is specific to the US.

When I see this article I think of opportunities through broad based capitalism and universalization of our institutions to ensure engagement from as many societal members as possible. 

People can go through a lot of negative stuff and feel happy about it because they are working for something bigger-America's future! That includes their children and grandchildren.

 The study doesn't go that far in analysis but what takes away from happiness might be toxic partisanship, self interested leadership, low opportunities, financial distress/inflation, too much wealth consolidation, geopolitical conflict, etc. 

Environmental factors might include environmental health, climate, pollution, crime, housing affordability, etc. Work is still needed here to be fair to the average person. 

Of course one can improve their own lives by being engaged with others, fitness, recreation, setting goals, etc...

Has American's Not Been Satisfied in 20 Years?

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