Friday, May 17, 2024

Fire Fighting: Increase in wild fires, fire line tactics and jobs (CA and MI)

Wildland forest fires can cause a lot of damage. We have seen this in CA and we have seen it in the past in MI. Because these are large natural forests they are important to our ecosystem and to our local economy. As the frequency of fires rise due to climate change (as one explanation) and other factors it is important to encourage people to be involved. The following provides info on some studies on the frequency of such fires, fire line tactics and a few jobs. I also put in there a donation pitch. 

Fire Frequency Research:

According to EPA the amount of fires seemed to be stable but the amount of land burned seems to have risen. EPA Fire Information 

However, the NOAA says that fires have doubled from 1984 until 2015 while a 2021 study indicated that fires are increasing because of climate change. NOAA Wild Climate Fire Connection

The Donation Pitch:

Firefighting is an important part of keeping society safe and I try and advocate for them when I can. Likewise, I like to learn because I do some side firefighting and look for grants for a local fire department to keep equipment updated. I'm not the worlds best firefighter but I try to help where I can. I have a few long term goals that I think could help my local community so if you have an corporate or personal dollars to donate send me a message to the right and I will point you to a great department for a tax deductible investment in the future.

Fire Line Tactics:

What is a Fire Line?-National Park Service

Build a Fire line Down Hill-National Wildlife Coordination Group (A number of articles on safety and firefighting topics. Very good stuff.)

An excellent guide book on tactics about wildlife fires Wildlife Fire Suppression Tactics

University of Montana Fire Suppression Tactics

Firefighter and Climate Control Jobs:

American Climate Corps  (I got this from a local congress person distribution email. It is good to know people are concerned about these things. If we keep our focus on solving problems the sky is the limit as a nation.)

California fire job Cal Fire Jobs

Firefighter jobs in Michigan MPFFU

Firefighter jobs in Michigan FF Search Results

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