Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Developing the Warrior-Scholar (The Bridge Between Academia and Military Knowledge)

In today's world we have lots of recruitment issues going on in the military but not a lot of solutions on how to deal with those issues. Likewise, human capital development is going to be a big part of how to successful master the military and intellectual challenges of the future. As the world and technology become more complex, there will naturally be a need to beef up the skills and development of the military and specifically the officers that direct units in high technological shifting environments. 

Thus, changing environments require a broader understanding of that environment and underpinnings of systems then would be possible in training alone. Strategic Thinking is often fostered as a broad set and Military Skills as a more narrow training set. Academia often does well with broad strategies while the military often excels in training. Marrying them in some way can lead to inner and outer understandings that are useful for execution and adaptation.

What if you could tie the two together?

There are similarities between the two and one can infuse training into broader academic education and pair them together. This actually would be beneficial as hands on training provides specific use within a broader context that is found in school. Learning using different senses, focal lenses, and activities embeds such learning through multiple pathways and styles. It is not only beneficial for the military but any leadership position in business or public service. Augmenting Military Skills Online, Military Management Adaptation, Socio Cognitive View, Emergent Transformational Leadership

One can consider going deeper in the neural development where deeper learning can be fostered through problem resolution (applied theory), competency development (A learning metric), symbolic/subconscious/implicit development (Definition of Symbolic Learning) and hands on experience to create rich learning (hands on training). When rich learning develops it often creates new neural networks and those are chosen pathways for dealing with issues during crisis with enough broad knowledge to adjust/adapt when necessary.

Anyway, theoretical dribble dribble.... 

The report offers a constructionist view. I have always been a big supporter of the military so this journal article offers its own perspective because they have honor. Honor Codes

Instructional Design Linking Military Training and Academic Education for Officer Cadets

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