Sunday, May 26, 2024

Delta County Board of Commissioners (05/21/2024): The Scientific Method of Community Development [Rivers Analogy]

Community is important because it is the governing body of our people and makes decisions that have wide reaching impact over our resources and our future. Because politics is the art of influence it sometimes can help or hinder communities. One way to limit the negative impact of politics while improving the positive side of politics is by using critical thinking and making strategic decisions in the best interest of all local stakeholders. Keep an eye on drawing in federal and regional interest in development. Read the article Scientific Method in Community Building to vet decisions because you are only in this specific place once in the history of a town. Escanaba is a great example for our national leaders on why its important to think about our communities first and drop the negative aspects of politics. Creating a vision and getting all hands on deck to enact that vision will improve the lives of local residents for generations to come. 💁

No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” Heraclitus.

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