Monday, May 27, 2024

Are Americans Becoming More Financial Distressed Despite Economic Growth?

 We are in interesting times as our economy shifts to new economic platforms based on emerging rapid technology development, geopolitical issues and adjusting diverse demographic with the largest young population in US history.

While the data appears to be relatively positive there are growing areas of concern and that includes a higher percentage of people under financial distress. There are ways to think about broad based capitalism that helps raise the next generation but ideas have been slow coming.

As you think about policies and the needs of the next generation also think about the type of corporate, government, civil, and social leadership can help raise the prospects of the next generation and which will not.

-EID Distressed Community Index.

-52 million Americans live in distress. 

-15.6% of Americans are in distress. 

-Yahoo article Data Reveals Increased American Financial Distress

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