Tuesday, May 21, 2024

2024 HR Trend Report (McLean & Co.) Strategy, Gen AI, Skill Development, and Work Schedules

Mclean & Company put together a 2024 HR trend report. You can obtain a copy of that HERE. This is a good report for executives to pick up and take a look at. I presented a few pieces of information below because they highlight how important strong HR practices are to the functioning of the whole. The next era of America's development is in human capital and HR is going to be part of that. 

-HR involvement in strategic planning moved from 36% in 2021 to 50% in 2024.

-HR involvement improves decision making 2.7X.

-HR involvement improves decision making 65% and leveraging data 63%.

-68% of HR respondents said that technology can help reduce capacity restrictions.

-85% of HR involved in strategic organizational planning have priorities aligned with broader organizational needs. 

-HR that using data well are seen as 2.3X more effective.

-32% of office workers are seen as having strong leadership skills. 

-81% are not changing their work from home and office rules. 

-88% are not changing work flexibility rules.

-79% feel that GenAI have helped in productivity.

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