Friday, May 24, 2024

19.5% Pay Raise For Junior Enlisted Troops Approved by House Panel - a Start in Helping Our Champions!

 While the 19.5% pay raise is a start in improving the recruitment of fresh minds into the services it is not the end game. This is welcome and should be applauded. There are other things we can do that include innovating our equipment into the new Digital Era (new theories coming forth) to ensuring that young people can find a place in the military (universalization). One should also not neglect the responsibility of law makers to balance the budget in other areas, make sure all govt. programs are effective/efficient, and create cushions for emergencies and crisis. These are systems within systems and must be managed well for the needs of society. 

19.5% Pay Raise for Junior

Thank you for caring about these young troops to give them pay increases. They are our champions and they have stepped up to the plate. There is much more that needs to be done! 

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