Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Need to Enhance Military Supply Chain (US Secretary of Navy Challenges Suppliers)

The U.S. is in a situation where capacity needs to speed up, innovation quicker, and recruitment enhanced. While we are still the strongest military in existence at this time we are being challenged on multiple fronts. That will require doing things in new ways and pushing the supply chain to develop and be more nimble. New thoughts, new ways to do things, and perhaps in some cases new suppliers. 

In all business we should be nimble and adaptable. Where there are deficiencies, there is room for improvement. That requires thinking about how we are currently doing things and improving on existing processes. Trust me, there are always ways to improve any system. That is any system.

Sometimes we can do completely new things and find higher results. Nothing stays the same for long and when it does it typically gets lets effective over time. Adjustment is part of the overall process for enhanced performance.

You may read. US Secretary of the Navy criticises industry suppliers

-Poor delivery times

-Poor capacity

(I have an idea for advanced clusters to improve the industry innovation chain and multiple industries to create butterfly effects but the idea hasn't caught on. Typically, these are more political issues than practical ones. No guarantees but the science is supported. I also know a great location to build prototype mid or small ships, robotics or equipment. Its a small place but within  the vicinity of a larger supply chain that can take new ideas and maximize them for larger production. )

Let me say this, I respect our military and the people who serve and support. Our supply chain needs some changes to improve capacity, new weapons, (duel with space and robotics), adaptability and the capacity to supply multiple conflicts over a long period of time. All of that comes down to exploring new things and getting outside the box. Taking some strategic and reasonable chances.

Consider Product Life Cycle and Swotch  and Aligning Organizational Strategies. Sometimes adjusting the incentives, leadership, information pathways, and resources can help. Other times one can study and improve current processes. The key point is that improvement takes work and commitment by the entire chain. Innovation should be rewarded.

Not particularly a popular thought among some political leadership corners but if our young men and women are willing to put themselves at risk than it is somewhat incumbent on our military's suppliers to put everything they got into building the best equipment and capacity they can. It saves lives and it accomplishes missions. Of particular importance, our nation needs it!

We must look beyond our pocketbooks (An interesting video on philosophy on money. If your interested in philosophy.). 

I thought you might enjoy this motivating video.....

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