Saturday, February 24, 2024

S&P Global PMI Rises: Indicates Expanded Manufacturing in the US (Feb. 22, 2024 Theory Development)

Rise manufacturing orders, expanding manufacturing jobs, and general growth trajectory seem to point to a stronger economy. The rise in manufacturing and implementation of innovative technologies matched with human capital can further economic expansion (based on global marketing and demand) of U.S. produced goods (The goal is to be at the highest place in the supply chain where advanced manufacturing and creativity/innovation/human capital produce the most ROI in value.). What we want to see is increases in exports and dips in imports.

Exports and dips would show consumer demand naturally opting for higher demand American products that compounds American wealth. We would also want exports to rise so that money is drawn into the U.S. system and with luck to encourage broad based capitalism where the working, creative, middle, and entrepreneurial class get the biggest advantages so as to encourage economic engagement.

(From my theory standpoint I'm watching core inflation rise, reviewing these indexes, and watching to see signs of economic homeostasis where higher GDP growth is common versus pre Pandemic. i.e. platform shift. One explanation is that Covid forced many U.S. companies to go online and in turn speed development much like when the Internet hit the market and increased GDP. 

With rapid change like AI and other sciences we could be experiencing the leading edge of a Renaissance that historically accompanies wide sociological and technology changes matched with human capital enhancements. i.e. improved opportunities for the next generation and growth options for the best and brightest. We are still struggling in this nation with human capital and education issues so we have knowledge/science bottlenecks. We are also struggling with strategic decision making due to political dysfunction that could be limiting our opportunities.

There are some interesting points below that we should consider. Me, I'm just watching to see what happens. 

Key Points S&P Global Composite Index:

Flash US PMI Composite Output Index(1) at 51.4 (January: 52.0). 2-month low. 

Flash US Services Business Activity Index(2) at 51.3 (January: 52.5). 3-month low. 

Flash US Manufacturing Output Index(4) at 52.3 (January: 49.3). 10-month high. 

Flash US Manufacturing PMI(3) at 51.5 (January: 50.7). 17-month high

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