Monday, February 12, 2024

Hate Crimes in Schools and Colleges Rises

Interesting stats came out from the FBI on the rise of hate crimes in schools and colleges. Let me say that we must do a better job of protecting all of our fellow Americans right to practice religion (Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, etc.) of any race (Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, etc.). What I have found is that complacency, lack of reporting and even a level of corruption are part of the problem in successful holding to account hate initiators and actors. 

There are still places in this country where hate crimes are unenforced and even in some cases legally rewarded and protected. In such places there is often a history of victims whose basic human rights are intentionally and systematically discounted with little recourse. They have no one to complain too and complaints are sometimes retaliated against. The amount of complaints by various peoples doesn't always prompt action.

The video says the hate crimes are likely unreported because people believe the perpetrators will not be held to account and they further fear retaliation. I will say this is a reasonable possibility and even more likely in places where hate crimes are intentionally unreported or not reported at all. Good old boy networks are some of the most dangerous places for minorities because they narrate lies to protect each other. i.e. the hate narrative.

We need to do a much better job of holding such people to account no matter their position, wealth, race, party, religion or other demographic difference. That won't happen until everyone gets a clear idea what this nation and its social contracts stand to support. There is only one path forward to national growth and hate is not in that picture other than as something we can collectively overcome and put in the past (Challenges bring opportunities.)

The state of our national development from a human rights perspective is going to look more universal in the future where hate behaviors are seen as grotesque and against the very fabric of Freedom of Religion, Speech and the Constitution. Some people give lip service to our shared oaths but then drop them the second they get in front of their social clans. Corruption ensures the victims of such crimes are left holding the consequences of others behaviors (That is called injustice). 

Free passes fly in the face of logic as well as moral conscious. Trust is broken where major violations of rights have occurred without improvement. Improvement should always be the main goal no matter where we are at this time and place in history.

I have great empathy for the victims of hate and I know with crystal clear clarity that it occurs in our nation and we need it to stop! It is not who we are! Those who support it are in the wrong and their position doesn't change that. I encourage people to look out for each other in society and report such behaviors diligently and broadly if needed until perpetrators are held to account. We must re-socialize those who don't follow our laws or values to a greater ethical social expectations. We don't need bad actors dictating the sense of safety for the rest of us.

I'm very optimistic that the next diverse generation will bring forward a higher metric of fairness out of their value systems and also out of necessity to enhance future opportunities. I believe in that generation and I'm proud of those who improve the world around them.  Report hate crimes.

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