Saturday, February 10, 2024

Fostering Young Interest in the Military (Purpose, Opportunity, and Connection)

The elite are those who preform, especially those who perform under difficult if not impossible circumstances. They are also the type of people who don't typically come from wealthy backgrounds but have the heart, patriotism, and courage to join a purpose greater than themselves. Those characteristics are what makes one elite. It is not wealth, money, or privilege that truly cuts the wheat from the chaff because value lies in the realm of character of soul. These young men and women joined as an act of volunteering for something they believe in and that is a major sign of greater character. 

(In republics wealth should not be the defining characteristic of who gets what opportunities and who doesn't. It should be defined by their character, capacity and merit in performance.)

The military has struggled to attract young people, making exceptions for the Marines and Space Force which reached their recruitment goals. The Pew Center recently released information on the polling of how Americans view the military. For the most part it was positive with the exception of the young who may have a slightly different comingled understanding of the military at this time in history. It is not the military issue but perhaps more of a political one that skews this perception.  Pew Military Trust Feb 24'

(There may be a long tail danger if we do not keep the next generation at the forefront of our choices and decisions. The other suggestion would be to encourage over the horizon thinking that reaches, aligns, and motivates. You have to read history to understand these generational changes. Also why I support historical significance and context to strategic thinking. History connects us all and is a worthwhile field of study. )

"Most Americans continue to express positive views of the military: 60% say it has a positive effect, while 36% say its effect is negative."

(One must make a distinction between the institution of the military and the political process that determines how they are used. I'm not sure the young fully grasp that distinction between the military and its application. One can debate a military's use through the political process but the institution itself is a few hundred years old. It has done a strong job at merit based performance that often functions by helping and protecting each other as well as society.)

Its just a quick thought but I think Purpose (meaning), Opportunity (personal development) and Connection (sense of belonging) could influence the motivators of young interest.  There is support to suggest that when we understand a demographic (i.e. market demographic study) and understand the cultural underpinnings as based in the needs of that generation, one can design marketing messages that enhance appeal to attract certain skills and values. 

Broadly, having a sense of purpose in life, an opportunity to commit to their own development, and feeling as part of a team can do wonders for human capital management. Considering the whole person can attract and retain high talent through trust in a long term commitment. Keep in mind that this generation have motivations/concerns beyond money and those delve into their communities and nation (in their own way). It is our job to turn those motivations into pathways that secures their (not our) future.

Below is an article on Gen Z that may be of interest. Let me say you can go into so much depth and build mammoth reports on psychographics, cultural attributes, predictive analysis, symbolism, etc. etc. and how that relate to certain matching attributes of an institution to ensure those message are attracting the most beneficial interest that leads to a successful new recruit. From a long tail perspective, learning how to attract the candidates that fit the best in those fields often leads to longer term retention thereby helping in two trajectories; the near and the long term. That can also strengthen skills retention and post veteran retirement contributions to important supporting  positions. Anyways the article....How to understand and market to a Gen Z audience

With this generation and all the advances in technology and science you might just get Spartan strength with Athenian wisdom if you know how to attract them. Spartans don't fight for just glory but for the common good.

""Because the latter they put on for their own protection, but the shield for the common good of the whole line."-A Spartan

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