Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Importance of Human and Civil Rights to Society and to Our Opportunities

There are places where we are still struggling with basic understanding of right over wrong or the purpose and intent of our laws. Not to mention a nation built on freedom and civil rights. While some confusion may be possible on the technicalities of the law, there should be little to no confusion on their intent. No matter our knowledge level, we should not support behaviors that run against the grain of justice and our social contracts. A greater and higher level of insight and commitment to our ideals is needed if we wish to maximize our intellectual and diverse talents. 

Let me give you a hypothetical example to consider and mull over while grocery shopping, watching tv or browsing the net. In between the spaces that fill our lives. Its hypothetical for discussion purposes only.......

A family was targeted because someone wanted to protect a crime and enrich off of hate. They spread bigoted rumors, utilized close connections with a corrupt group of officials, and possibly put the family on a target list for a larger network of extremists. They pulled over kids, negligent in protecting against elder abuse, attempted arrests of minorities on religious holidays to signal acceptable religions. One could create a list that could go on, and on, like the energizer bunny (Seriously they are dark souls out there in the world creating problems for others. I'm sure we all met a few of them in our lifetimes.).

To further the hypothetical example, complaints by others from the past and the present came forward to be quickly discarded and silenced by the same officials that were causing the problem. Good officials became muted in fear of being rejected and disliked because of an environment of toxicity (Hate Group Map)The seeds to human atrocity were sewn into the soil and attempts to water that choking weed of hate were normalized and encouraged. 

One primary issue one could think about is that there are a lot of people complaining and not a lot of solutions or attempts to fix those problems. The rise is due in part to current hyper-politics and its gamesmanship with rights that have become subject for party debate to score points to increase political donations. It has little to do with the needs of the nation and typically works in opposition. The big picture and security of the country relies on the best and brightest coming forward to further the nation's central mission and values (party neutral comment).

Let me say one of the reasons why I do not support bigotry and extremism is because it inherently illogical bias to the point that it not only robs the victims but also the rest of the society that are still reaching for democracy and human freedom. Worse! It robes the next generation in the same way a bad parent might harm their own kids; except all these kids belong to us as a society. It is unfair to put our ideological and moral failures onto the next generation (Good thing they amazingly are sociologically more mature than ours. Gen Z and Millennial Cross Party Concerns '23). This is where logic and soul searching might work together.

Places where these things happen and there are no attempts to hold the initiators accountable means we are giving up on some of these time honored generational to generational values. Discarded them as of no particular importance to those who see them as obstacles and not guidance. Most of society still believes in rights and their oaths but some might be providing more lip service than substance. Life, liberty and pursuit happiness are more important today than at any other time in history; save two. Our loyalties to the Constitution and human rights are not political football for the connected class or reality tv politics where genuine leadership would make more sense. Why is it hard to prosecute hate crimes?

Going forward I believe examples like this help remind us that we have a lot of work still to do as a nation to maximize our options and outcomes. We have an untapped goldmine of talent in one of the largest most diverse generations to take the helm of our democratic republic. It is incumbent on every American citizen to support moral conscious and the most strategic paths forward to prepare for change. We should make sacred the Constitutional protections as one of the central artifacts of democracy and act and live by it.

Keep in mind that any group can violate the rights of another group. Some groups have historically shown various forms of bigotries against Blacks/African American but certainly could be any out-group members. Out group status is dependent on the particular power dynamics and demographics that make up of a group and its environmental context. It is intuitive as a nation of minorities that we tackle behaviors that intentionally run afoul of our needs and legacies. duh!

The article below is an interesting one because it ties class and race together. It may be one reason why hate groups go insanely angry when someone they perceive as less human, having less rights, less American, acts as though they have realized value and confirm people should be judged on merit. Outperform hate groups and you might find a car outside your house, community members stalked, and general disdain for the rights of "the other" (As defined by their mirror. Mirror Neurons 👆 and the mirrors of Jungian Shadow Projection Sorry, theoretical dribble, bribble...)....

Understanding the U.S. Economy for Racial Healing

Me, I believe if you treat people as valuable members, you provide a vision for a shared future, embrace central universal American values, and point a finger to the pathway where the greatest strategic place can be found ( Axis Mundi poem on knowledge) . We are strongest as a nation when we use our exceptional human talents to help people be the best they can be for the maximum benefit of society as a whole (Broad based capitalism as defined by opportunities for financial and personal growth throughout all demographics. A persons character, skills, and grit should determine where they end up. A merit approach. Streets of Gold). 

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