Wednesday, January 10, 2024

UNCOVERED: What causes corruption?

Thinking about the hypothetical corruption-extremism example and possible long term resolutions. As the political spectrum becomes more polarized its going to influence people within institutions and how they think, decide and act. In the fictitious example presented,  there appeared to be a connection between ethnocentric social groups, awareness of "how things work"  and knowledge of how to manipulate such systems for gain. Also, some expectation they would be protected in those behaviors as a perceived entitled beneficiary of such systems [vs. their wider purpose.]. Other aspects came forward such as disappearing money, prior complaints, civil right violations, intimidation, stalking, etc. [One might wonder if its possible to map all incidents and complaints and track them back to an embedded group/network as key corruption stakeholders? Maybe not.]

One thing that is possible is that corruption and extremism political leanings may be associated/correlated in some way [Someone would have to study it to know it more surely.]. Perhaps the willingness to use short cuts with self-gain rationalizing would also somehow be related to short cut thinking politically or ideologically. [There likely is some research that supports thinking style and corruption as well as thinking style and extremism. Thus, one might wonder if there are similarities between the two styles of thinking making people prone to corruption also prone to extremism? Maybe not? By extension different possible ways to solve the same problem. If corruption is seen as a drag on GDP could extremism also lower GDP? Detractive versus optimistic thinking normalized. This is why from a practical standpoint working together to solve problems is often the most advantageous way forward. Philosophical dribble dribble...can be discarded.]

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