Friday, January 12, 2024

The Personality of Photographers [Ocean Beach] Activity Outlets

According to research, photographers scored high on openness and social responsibility [You can learn about Holland Codes Here and how they are used in helping select careers based on personality. You can actually take a Holland Code Quiz Here.].  Anyway, here is the research on photographers [even bad ones 😊 Its a hobby! Don't blame me!] ....Personality of Photographers Research 

Life is short so make sure you find a balance to fulfill all of your needs as a person that ranges from business to art. Consider finding outlets for the other side of your life. There is some indication that putting your work and personal activities in balance can lead to enhancing both. It steps a touch past work-life balance and into thoughtful activity that contributes to other skills.

Ocean Beach 2024 Photo in The Wooded Pathway Gallery

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