Monday, December 25, 2023

U.S. Steel Generates Controversy

The sale of US Steel creates some confusion as an American central industry icon is being sold to foreign investors. Economically it makes sense to keep the industry in the U.S. and if there is something that is making it less competitive then new ideas, management, technology, and leadership influence can work on creating a fix for those issues. This is an industry where we have to retain knowledge, talent, capacity to feed other growing industries and general societal economic health.

From a funding perspective one might wonder if there are options to crowdsource buying options for Americans through offering investment pieces/stocks of the whole so different people can invest in a piece of history of a solid company. [It would be an interesting idea but may not have much merit. The company might willingly seek revamping its investment structure to offer more opportunities for Americans to invest in its future. That may end up being a lucrative approach under the right circumstances; or not.]. 

Furthermore, this industry is fundamental to many different aspects of our society and as manufacturing returns we may need that steel. The markets are changing and if we are going to grow in advanced manufacturing we don't want to sell out our most basic root suppliers [Root capacities]

It will be interesting to see what everyone else thinks. America is on a general economic upswing at this time. Let's further and buy into it. Industry can support and revamp each other from a macro perspective. Industry feed each other when properly aligned to the market and anchored in domestic networks [How wealth is created and retained in an economy. Wealth generation must come from domestic development network creation to maximize economic impact. i.e. the transactional micro connections between industries that influence sources of information, resource allocation/movement and products/outputs; or not. On could eventual create a formula for it if they took the time to study other similar formulas. As they connect, they create on strong infrastructure. As you draw in human capital you magnify those transactions and their alignment solving market problems; or not. In theory anyways but might equally be useless.]

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