Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Big Five Personality Traits Can Help to Improve Employee Performance

Personality can have a big impact on how we navigate our environment. It makes little difference if we are discussing business management or just the everyday choices we make in our lives. Each of us hold certain personality traits and society in general is made up of these different personality variations (...and some we don't know about yet.). Often an organization is made up of many different types of personalities and having at least a rudimentary understanding of such personality type often leads to greater ability to motivate and manage a diverse workforce.

Contrary to pop psychology opinion, there is no right or wrong personality. Each personality mix has strengths and weaknesses that function at various levels depending on the situation. Understanding your personality and the personality of your employees will help you better create teams and manage them to to excel in individual and group performance. Insight into human nature is part of the core understandings needed to groom others.

As you come to understand your employees you will also begin to understand their personality, their motivations, and some of their goals. That allows you to provide tasks they excel at but also pepper in tasks that help them grow (Part of your responsibility as an executive is to maximize the human capital for organizational benefit but also to develop the whole person for societal development. Thus, challenges mixed with successes is a big part of the development game. If you get really thoughtful about it you can get good at developing specific and generalized talent.)

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