Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas is an Important Time of Togetherness: What it Means to Me?

Christmas has an interesting history that moves all the way back through Europe in various forms and times. Historians discuss the background and origins of such traditions ranging from paganism all the way over to a Christian tradition. It doesn't make a difference to me in so much as it is a story of community togetherness.  During Christmas we have an opportunity to truly engage with each other a few days and enjoy various events and activities with friends and family.

As a person with openness to different religions and people I have come to recognize Christmas as a day of peace. It is a day of thinking about what is good in the world. Being thankful for the many blessings our lives have brought us. It is a time for kindness and the putting away of petty grievances. Its a time to sort of think of the meaning of things.

On this day we should pray for peace and togetherness. As a nation and as a people. We believe in freedom of religion to ensure we can practice these traditions anyway we desire. It is important that we maintain those values into the next generation. I like to give gifts, watch The Christmas Story and cook. Mostly spend time with family.

[For the young generation, life before technology was much different. Pull down maps. No air conditioner. I remember having a black and white tv even though the living room had a color one. People were just moving off of farms. These are the nostalgias of that time. Beautiful memories. We can respect the past and embrace the new. BTW you should watch the story...its good!]

You may be interested in reading The Short History of Christmas and The History Channel Christmas

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