Thursday, November 2, 2023

Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence: Ensuring Technology is Safe

Technology is here to stay and its going to get smarter and more adaptable with time. Just like the Internet changed the fundamentals of the economy, AI will push further adjustments that twists toward efficiency but at a cost of variety and uniqueness as ways to solve problems. Because is a mass tool it constitutes both a benefit and a risk. Easy tools help the herd but lowers the search for answers that are non standard. 

Some sort of legislation was bound to happen so this shouldn't come as a surprise. Usually government legislation is much further behind industry yet in this case I believe they see its importance of getting ahead of issues. 

To protect privacy one can look at the way the algorithms search for information or one could protect the root information. Scrambling storage of data is also going to be helpful in addition to other protections that limit technology privacy creep. 

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