Saturday, November 11, 2023

Delta County Commissioners Meeting (11/07/23): A Few Questions on How to Improve Business and Government Prospects?

These meetings are becoming more interesting as time goes on and with each session (Almost as exciting as Days of Our Lives). The community interest doesn't come from the disagreement alone but also from the hope and desire of engaged residents to make a positive impact on their community. Many good things mixed with some concerning things all happening at the same time so one is likely to find a little for everyone. Progress is still being made but it could be faster so as to maximize opportunities at a time when Escanaba and Gladstone have received interest.

There are issues that need to be settled out and concerns residents have brought forward. Not neglecting those issues, let use consider some general things that can be done to improve outcomes.

1.) How can the county draw in new revenue and businesses? Think of the many ways in which they can create a pro social and a pro business environment. 

2.) How can Escanaba, Gladstone, and Delta County work together to attract new investors and entrepreneurs to the area? i.e. create a plan, update website, work with marketing company, put together grant packages together, understand which businesses are likely to succeed (i.e. tourist related and custom exporters), work with the banks for small business finance packages, etc., etc. lots of things but they are all doable. 

3.) How might one improve local institutions to make them pro growth and pro community oriented (Not saying they are or they are not but that they can be improved and when we can do that research shows it has an impact on entrepreneurial activity and business where unique personalities are needed and institutions that handle cognitive differences well.)

4. ) Are there places where we can make adjustments that improve transparency and improve a shared vision?

Public Letter on Legal Council

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