Monday, November 27, 2023

Black Friday Shopping Abode Analytics-Consumer Sales Boosted

Season sales revenue from November 1st to 26th is up 4.8% growth for the season when compared to last year. So far the mixed projections that economists forecast appear to be somewhat short compared to the actual outcome. Thus, at the moment it would seem that the 2/3- 3/4th of the economy supported by retail is getting a boost. 

(Let consider any impact Black Friday and Cyber Monday have through the chain of economic activity.)

Abode Analytic information provides some other states on conversion rates of online versus mobile which is interesting to think about if you have an online business. (Keep in mind the quick growth in online activity and improved infrastructure since COVID.)

Let us wait and see what cyber Monday brings.......

You will want to check back to see if the growth continues 2023 Black Friday Abode

-$9.8 billion Black Friday

-4.8% seasonal growth over 22'

-$221.8 billion so far this season

-Discount in the 25% range.

-6.5% desk top and 3.2% mobile

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