Sunday, November 12, 2023

A Few Good Homespun Bargains at Presentation Academy's Shop & Sip

Finding a few hours of free time, missing a show I had hoped to attend, I went down to an event in holiday shopping spirit. I also have a tiny side business that I donate from so I like to attend these things when they occur. It wasn't what I expected but I still bought some home craft pieces and learned a little about different educational pathways in Louisville. 

The info.....

Presentation Academy held a fund raiser shop & sip event to support the all girls education. Interestingly, the school started in 1893. I don't know much about the school but I did buy some heat pads for my kitchen. 

Thoughts on Private and Boarding Schools: I like private schools and wish we had more. I think that they are declining because of expenses and the environment isn't conducive to private independent schools. Liabilities are high and expenses are astronomical. The smaller and more intimate educational communities are often helpful in education and social learning but may not be able to afford it. 

To reverse this decline I think we should find ways to make sure there is variability in education and as long as certain standards are met, we seek to improve the public-private-boarding-religious school balance in society. 

Cognitive variability is important for innovation and so is in many ways educational variability that leads to that cognitive variability. 

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