Monday, October 9, 2023

Why The Constitution, Ethics and Justice are Still Important in Society

Societies must always seek to reach the highest states they can so as to fulfill their intended purpose for the collective whole. That includes ensuring that institutions are functioning in a way in which they seek to create more unity between their actions and their lofty intended purposes. As they reach for those ideal states they begin to build trust on individual and collective levels. The more effective and functional they are, typically the more society supports the institutions and in turn the more effective they become. 

Sometimes there are places where the ideal state is rejected for one reason or another. When this happens we have hampered trust and reduced long term functionality. We can see that not in words but in the general group behaviors where corruption, as defined by intentional misalignment, rises and people begin to feel that there are places such systems are not always doing the right thing. It reduces a sense of security when the rules are unknown or not transparent. Its a natural psychological and sociological outcome.

Consider a study on Institutional Trust and Interpersonal Trust and its impact on things like nationalism, shadow markets, interpersonal relationships, so on and so forth. Other research has supported the idea that all business are based on trust and higher economic performance rests in part on our institutional functioning. Thus, there should be definite interest in supporting and enhancing democratic institutions when we see injustice creep in. We never want to see a backslide in democracy and that starts on a micro level.

I support systems that reach for the greatest benefit of society and in turn try and match their processes to their intended goals. That has always been the intended purpose of our nation and of democracy in general. Thus, I believe correction is made where obvious misapplication of justice has occurred because of faith in the general system. The wrong paths should never be taken and in the rare cases where this occurs there are sometimes opportunities to jump back to the right path if our eyes can see what our brain has difficulty registering. 

The first potential causes that comes to mind is the powerful influence of extremism (of any kind and ideology), hyper politics, and a misunderstanding of the next stage of democracy's development. The good news is that eventually we know the light of justice will eventually overtake its shadow because there are no other long term logical outcomes that lead to the highest states of a nation's development. The Constitution, Ethics and Justice still has an important purpose and role in society and in many ways all societies. 

Those who support doing the right thing are doing society a favor by protecting the value of such institutions; no matter their race, religion, wealth or position in society. Patriotism is thinking about the whole of society and its long term healthy functionality for its growing diverse population. As far as I know that would be a deeper belief of patriotism that moves beyond surface symbolism. It is something that can be sold because people recognize its universal truth. As a nation we must always strive for the next rung because it is the right thing to do. There are some that are holding us back. :(

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