Thursday, October 5, 2023

Why Bi-Partisan Still Works: A Time for Constructive Dialogue

We hear about all the changes in politics going on and the partisan issues both within parties and cross party. We know that in any team management we want people who keep their eye on the big picture of the health of the nation and are willing to listen to each other to create gains in effective management. 

Some disagreement is necessary to change up ideas and encourage thoughtful dialogue. However, knock down drag out fights often create more issues. The Secret Sauce of Effective Legislation

(Just in case your wondering, not that it should matter because I'm just a regular American guy. I'm a light R Rino-Dino Old Guard. Meaning, I like good ideas and good people to think constructively about solutions. The other stuff is not only a distraction but at a time when we need solutions over things like budgeting, social cohesion, institutional enhancement, so on and so forth I don't think hyper politics will get us there in a constructive way. I might be wrong because history has its own path but in general I lean toward constructive civil dialogue and togetherness in shared over the horizon thinking. Kind of a dumb idea I think in today's world. 😢)

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