Thursday, October 5, 2023

Wall in Texas to be Built: What should we do with the rest of the border?

The wall between U.S. and Mexico is going to be built in some parts of Texas. The wall was once a highly contentious issue but over time we see fluidity of decision making and adaptation cross party in a way that helps solve a problem for migrants and for the US. This is not the time for "see we are always right" because the truth is no one is right all the time and when they are it is usually only partially the answer. Wise people know that! Socratic Wisdom

DHS International Barrier Construction 

AP Texas Wall Construction

Do I wish there was a wall? Nope...I wish light monitoring would be enough but its not. There are people out there in desperate need and they will risk their lives of their families lives to get here for a better life. If immigrants are not processed correctly they often go right into the shadow market and we lose much of their full development capacity and the fruits of their labor. 

We not only lose tax revenue, we also strengthen the shadow markets where all types of bad things can happen out of necessity. The shadow market costs countries a lot of money and contribute to all types of other issues that range from crime all the way over to poor economic resilience. US shadow market is approximately 7.3% of GDP so its a A rating versus other countries. Not too shabby but lots of room for improvement. International Shadow Markets

Hopefully, the wall will help solve some of these problems...its not perfect but we use the tools we have at this time to solve problems. Tomorrow, we will likely have new tools and perhaps we can turn the metal into jungle gym kids playgrounds or something (My idealist desires!). A pure technology solution is likely about 10-15 years out more or less based on cost and technology adaptation. 

You may be interested in seeing how Cognitive Flexibility can be used by all decision makers to improve overall outcomes and outputs. Each of us has that capacity to some extent and it can be used in groups to foster cultures of creative solution making. Ideology limits adjustment of initial ideas into workable and practical solutions. You may want to look at some science literature on Cognitive Flexibility.

The question we face is should we build the rest of the wall or use current cheaper monitoring technology for the other areas? (Use creates markets but it may or may not be sufficient in all areas to solve the problem sufficiently) That of course opens lots of other political, financial, immigration, etc. questions. Yet its a root question. There are no "right" or "wrong" but just issues of practicality and capacity. Thoughts?

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