Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The one answer to hate is......


A scribble in a public bathroom

There is only one answer to hate....that is forgiveness. 

When hate derails local systems and there is a lack of accountability or striving for a higher moral conscious it is a short term gain. 

The long term gain is to forgive. There is no place in this country for hate. Forgive those who delve into hate for they know not how they limit our national potential.

For those who have experienced hate we have to make a choice. My suggestion is to choose the higher road. That doesn't mean they should not be held to account nor the local entities that supports such hate shouldn't go through reforms. Such behaviors were dangerous and intentionally destructive. It means that the disease that causes such hate exists among some people and as a society we should limit its influence. We can do this by forgiving and reaching the next rung in our development.

Forgiveness and accountability are two separate things. I believe that the higher moral order will prevail and it has almost nothing to do with punishment even though that may be an outcome. In some ways our future as a nation depends on learning how to handle situations just like this and creating a universal perspective of justice (While most are doing the right thing some are doing the wrong thing.). This is a chance to learn and no bad can come from new knowledge. Research on the Science of Forgiveness.

When someone tries to give you the gift of hate politely decline and say "I forgive you..." and state why you believe what happened here was immoral. It is in alignment with our duties and oaths to encourage as much integrity as we can so as to avoid future incidents and limit poor social learning.

Every religion I have seen has some form of the power of forgiveness.....

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