Monday, October 2, 2023

The Cost of Corruption: Its Best Friend is Indifference and Complacency

Corruption costs our societies and community a lot and while corruption is a known aspect of our lives we also know there are few backstops to it. When people accept poor behavior they do so for many reasons but usually it has some sort of financial, ideological or social gain. We do not have enough people within government who support anti corruption measures and not enough ways of managing that corruption.

While many of us know that corruption costs society we have not yet developed systems that consistently hold that corruption to account and so there will continue to be loss to society and to the victims of corruption. Even in cases where corruption has become apparent and increasingly obvious, there is often failure to correct. 

(It makes one wonder if corruption is so difficult to catch and fix then we are not doing something right. We need to change something so as to ensure society isn't shouldering the burden of corruption or corrupt officials.)

For example, targeting a family for ideological reasons, supporting the illicit financial gain of those who launched a hate campaign, or supporting governance decisions that are based one's "clan network" would be serious affairs of corruption. It some places they have become part of a culture of corruption.

Anyone can be corrupt. Administrators, a extremist police network, politicians, executives, workers, a court system or any other that misuses their positions. There really is no position that can't be engaged in corruption. Take this example of Chicago policing and how there was a failure to protect the public 200 False Convictions (p.s. I actually support good police and good policy)

What is worse, is when we know about it and fail to act on it in a meaningful and honest way we begin to break down what is good in support of what is bad. Indifference and complacency are the best friends of corruption. It opens a question. Who is more guilty, those who do it or those who know about it and fail to hold it to account? (The Conversation)

I believe its important to build a better mousetrap so as to ensure corruption doesn't continue to rob our future and erode trust in some systems to function as intended. Consider an article in Time Magazine and how corruption impacts the financial health of our communities. Corruption and Poverty

One thing we can do as a nation is work on protecting the public from corruption. This is why I support a stronger policies and more accountability. Corruption undermines democracies so failure to tackle is in many ways non supportive of our society. UN Corruption Undermines Democracy

My advice. Report corruption and report everyone who knew about it and failed to act. They should be the first people to come under scrutiny. It also creates a net for those who were central to that corruption. At least in a functioning system.

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