Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Steve Scalise Nominated as Nominee for GOP

Steve Scalise is nominated for GOP candidate for the Speaker of the House. This is an interesting situation because there seems to be a movement toward more a more traditional Republican review. I'm a big believer in bi/tri partisan leadership solutions and having leaders who can do that is very important for national stability. Not only stability for the GOP but also for governance in general. We have a lot of challenges right now and having two functioning parties (as a single GOP party and a functioning Democratic party) helps to create some of that stability that when functioning well solves problems. Ethical Leadership.

The biggest thing for me is that good solutions come forward and they can draw in as many people as possible for both parties so as to encourage long-term resolution of looming challenges. The name of the game for America is solving problems. Our Biggest Threats. We will have to see how this turns out. (If your wonder what my political perspective is I'm a light R Rino-Dino who has a lot of respect for leadership based on the ability to create solutions. Any party, any person.) You can learn more about Steve Scalise HERE. Let us wait to see what happens.  Have we entered a new collective mindset? America is watching...we got this! The New Conservative

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