Thursday, October 5, 2023

Semiconductor CHIPs Act and Senate Commerce Committee: How does innovation make its way through organizations?

Innovation is an important thing for any society and moving into this new technology era will determine countries that are on top or bottom of the technology product generation game. Changes often spur advancements in related industries such as transportation, space, technology, military, etc. Innovation and development lead times will likely start to shrink once these industries are up in full scale and their products move into byproducts at other companies. 

When we delve into the roots of technology we often impact whole supply chain and the very nature of scientific and economic development.  The Digital Era is here and has been so for the last 3-4 years while the underpinnings of it have been around for 10 years (rough guess) and a number of decades if we include the Internet capacity development time.  

While not 1 - 1 you can read about Digital Transformations such as IT impact organizations as new technologies make their way into different organizations. i.e. the long tail of innovation development.. Digital Transformations Impact on Business Organizations 

(Its funny to think about where we might have started depending on which theory of human development you follow. We used to put monkeys in spaceships to test organic based space flight. Some have argued that Monkeys have just entered their Stone Age while we humans are now in the Digital Age. Each species based on their capacity to learn. I would suspect they probably learn a lot from watching us now.  Ok sorry...different path of thought on that one! 😬)

A couple of pieces.....

450 companies interested in Semiconductor funding. 50 community colleges interested in semi conductor work programs (I wonder if our local Bay de Noc Community College has a hat in there somewhere. They have a technology center) August 9th, 2023 White House Fact Sheet Chips

Global Context of Chips Act

Senate Committee: Commerce, Science and Transportation Press Release

You can watch some of the clips at C-Span Discussion on Chips Investments

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