Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Rep. Mike Johnson gives first speech as House speaker

Solid speech by the new speaker of the house. Most of the ideas and concepts are likely to resonate with the broader population (If people skip the politics and just think about the core messages). History is in the making at the moment because it likely marks a change of direction, energy, and effort. The process of problem solving will start and that will be the mark of ultimate success and likely be the standard by which such leadership will be viewed and/or judged. 

Of particular interest is that his dad was a firefighter. Firefighting requires a lot of sacrifices and within these families you will often find a lot of true commitment to the lofty principles of serving others. It creates a perspective of the world and a mental filter by which decisions will be made (As a side note President Biden also came from a firefighting family so at a minimum they can share that similarity. I'm a Rino-Dino so hopefully I can say that. No rotten tomatoes please. ðŸ™ˆðŸ™‰ðŸ™Š)

Everyone has to make their own judgement but I give two thumbs up to the speech. With strong leadership in the House, Senate and Whitehouse we might see some significant positive changes soon. One must look at the total characteristics, beliefs, values and styles of all actors on the scene. Nothing is set in stone but its a good start and hopes are high. A new door cracks open.

A shared national vision among the different parties will be important to undo the damage of hyper politics of the past (Let us keep hyper politics in the past. A wise man once said that the past is just a fading memory but the present and how that creates futures is what makes the biggest difference. Learn from the past but keep the eye just over the horizon. Sorry, I just dribbled some philosophy thoughts. 😬💨). 

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