Thursday, October 19, 2023

Net Worth Rose 37% for Americans between 2019 to 2022

 Income rose for most families but the change wasn't uniform across all demographics.  Changes in U.S. Household Finance 2019 to 2022

You may also read a solid analysis at CNBC Net worth

-Medium net worth was $192,900 at 37% increase from 2019-22
-Real mean family income grew 15 percent.
-28 percent, reported that their income during the 2021 calendar year.
-Homes and stocks didn't necessarily rise for the bottom 20%.
-Bottom 25% had net worth of $3,500 while the top 10% had $3.8 million in 2022. The top 10% had $3.8 million.

Is it possible that some of the increase in consumer spending didn't go into the debt category? 

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