Friday, October 27, 2023

Muslim & Jewish Americans Report ALARMING Rise In Hate

This is an important conversation about a concern of a rise of hate based crimes. I've seen where hate crimes are not reported and people misused hate to self reward. No matter what goes on in the world we should treat each of civilly even when we disagree with each other. The video makes a good point on choosing words wisely so we can not fan the flames of an already difficult situation for everyone. There are people out there very afraid of individual and group actors. Furthermore, lets get better at reporting hate crimes so we can more effectively understand and deal with them.

The two reasonable solutions I have heard people bring forward is 1.) a viable two state solution or 2.) complete integration. I think this is where the world powers are leaning. 

No matter what, working toward peace and protecting innocent life is sacrosanct. 

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