Monday, October 2, 2023

Kosovo Serbia Build Up-Lessons of the Past Should be Learned by Both

History should have taught us as people that little is gained by religious and ethnic violence. At the root these religions are very similar but people have made them to be dividing lines. We hope and pray that each side listens to their inner voice and their deeper value systems to protect life. Nothing will be gained in an escalation.

 It is not the time for people to toy with grievance that could be resolve with doubling down on good will and fair treatment. 

If anything it is time to think of lasting peace. Each person should be able to practice their faith as they wish and perhaps both governments can think of creating new bridges between peoples. It could be an opportunity to take a breath and rethink new choices and futures if it doesn't disintegrate into chaos. Wishful idealist thinking I know. 😪

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