Monday, October 23, 2023

History and Art Tell Us About Economic Development (Integrated Scientific Development)

 Economic history is important in understand economic thought and the underpinnings of societal development. Economic history mixed with economic art helps us delve into how people lived their lives and some of the deeper social mechanics of the era. As we move further into the Digital Era we should consider how our past has created our present and what art can tell us about the history of that development 

"Michael Kremer holds that the roots of economic growth lie in the drift of the long run of history: growing populations intent on improving productive efficiency added to the accumulated knowledge behind technological innovation, adaptation and deployment." Economic History and the Roots of Growth (2016)

The Iron Rolling Mill
Adolph Menzel
Art tells you about the past, the person
who created it, and the people who 
ponder it.

These same mechanics exist today as the Industrial Era led to standardization and preparing the workforce to work as part of a larger economic system. It also led to the era of science in human and industrial problems that furthered development. The Info Age/Digital Era was based off of prior eras down a long line of development that was forced through necessity of COVID to make a decade truncated leap in digital advancement. Economic Development of Platforms (2014)

When we study economic art we can see what the people at the time saw and how they constructed their understanding of society. While we have access to a great amount of information during this era we can use art to understand prior eras. For example, 1.) art and history can tell you about the past, 2,) psychology, sociology, and anthropology can tell you about human nature in society, and 3.) economics and technology can tell you about how tools are used to master our environment, 4.) the world will tell you the problems we face and what tools we will develop to overcome those challenges.

Difference scientific fields come together and solve problems through integration of knowledge. As new data and science intertwine so will faster discoveries and solutions. We may be moving beyond mastering our environment to innovating the environment we live within (i.e. pollution, global economies, space exploration, energy fusion, pandemic management, etc.).  Integration of Scientific Fields (2019) Who says renaissance thinking doesn't lead to renaissance development?

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