Friday, October 13, 2023

Hate Crimes and Hate Crime Reporting Michigan-MDRC

Hate is a dangerous thing for nations that seek to draw in the most talent and economic development. Whether that is antisemitic, anti-muslim, anti-white, anti-black, anti-gay or any other it takes away from our collective sense of togetherness (You may not agree with everyone but you don't have the right to hate or act on that hate.). There are times and places where different rules apply to different people and we should fix such situations where extremism has come to define legal values and outcomes. 

We have a Constitution and Bill of Rights that supports freedom and that doesn't matter who someone is, how they worship and or their skin color (These are the supreme laws of the land. Not all people believe in them just like they don't value the oaths they take. Good thing they are not the norm.). Laws should always reach, albeit imperfectly, toward a higher moral order and greater unity of purpose. That often starts with recognizing hate, reporting it accurately (for research), investigating it, and holding it to account. Those that can't do that should not be in positions of authority; not in this or any system that strives for justice.

Yet sometimes when such behavior, which normally would be considered dangerous and grotesque is not reported in order to help one's friends, ideologies, clubs, or social groups, we have a lack of authenticity. That in turn becomes a violation of societal trust and again in turn takes away from the performance of the whole (economically and socially). People know intuitively the difference between right and wrong as well as those who talk out the side of their mouths (We are hopefully on the back end on the popularization of hate among some groups. We should always keep a watchful eye least they begin to manipulate the system). Universalizing our values can only bring benefits of unity and greater human capital development through environmental enhancements.

If your wondering what hate is and when to report it you can watch the video below. Selling higher values to those who have positions of authority who support hate is a difficult thing sometimes; especially in power over situations. While such distorted values might not be the norm in most places, they still persist in some and that is a danger to everyone (Think of the next diverse generation and how they may view free pass systems). I could go on and on about a hypothetical story (the thought experiment of a family targeted for 5 years because of the exploitation of hate and authority) of hate but the point is that we have a duty to protect our society from those who are doing wrong and correct when hate manipulates our system.

This is why I support better mechanisms or reporting and holding to account the destructive values that damage our unity (Just in case your wondering my values. I'm a light R who values Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech. To me, that is a deeply conservative value that shows a sense of moral conscious and connection to our historical line of development. That is what makes this country great. We can all worship and practice the way we see fit. There are some who sold out those values. January 6th and hometown groups that supported, protected and encouraged hate. I have a moral, religious, and ethical duty to support our democratic and universal values as a society and a people. Not sure how many others feel the same. R, D, or I. Being an American dishwasher is better then selling out one's values. I actually think I mean that on a deep neural level. Moral Sensitives 💁 )

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